Published: 10/02/2023
Are you a Landlord of a property in Wales?Are you confused about how the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 impacts you?
Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 came into effect 1st December 2022. There are several key areas that you must be aware of to ensure that you are compliant and not in breach of your Rent Smart Wales license before the deadlines.

Helpful key dates:
1st December 2022 it is now a legal requirement that Landlords must ensure that carbon monoxide monitors are provided anywhere there is an oil, solid fuel, gas appliance or working fire.
31st May 2023 all existing tenants must be issued a Written Statement and Occupation Contract.
31st November 2023 must ensure that all tenancies have a valid Electrical Installation Certificate and Report (EICR) and a fixed wired smoke alarm which must be included in the EICR. There must be an alarm on each floor, the smoke alarm system must be connected to the mains electric supply and interlinked.
As a Landlord you need to ensure that you:
- Give the correct paperwork to a tenant / contract holder
- Have undertaken training or you will be in breach of your licence
- Have all the right items installed with up-to-date certificates
Contract holders can claim compensation for every day they are not issued a Written Statement up to maximum of two months’ rent if they do not receive it by the 31st May 2023.

How can we help you?
We have done the research for you! There are model contracts on the Welsh Government website, however we have been advised by The Association of Residential Lettings Agents and some solicitors that the model contract should not be used. We have fixed and periodic contracts which cover both the insured and custodial deposit protection schemes which have been drafted, with our input advised by a specialist solicitor and approved by Rent Smart Wales.
If we were not involved in your original tenancy we can still help you.
For further information on the above contact Jemma Corbett on 01600 712916 or